Mini-Course Student Evaluation Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Mini-Course Name *A CBT-Based Approach to Positive ChangeHearing the Whole StoryHo’oponopono – Lessons in Saying Goodbye eSpiritual DistressPsychological First AidSpiritual Care in Caregiving and HelpingEmotional FluencyMulti-Level ListeningWhat is the name of the Mini-Course that you Completed?Did the course meet its stated objectives?YesPartiallyNoObjectives and ExpectationsDid the course meet your expectations?YesPartiallyNoObjectives and ExpectationsThe amount of course content was...Too LittleJust RightToo MuchCourse ContentThe complexity of the course content was...Too LittleJust RightToo MuchCourse Content of the / Comments / SuggestionsTell us anything you want about the course and your experience taking it.Submit